Effect of stress on the secretion of prolactin in nulliparous and primiparous rats in estrus


  • C. Z. Carlos
  • T. V. Souza
  • R. C. A. Berber
  • E. E. T. S. Hucke




Stress, Prolactin, Reproductive experience


The reproductive experience (pregnancy, childbirth and lactation), is associated with changes in hormone secretion, reducing hormones like prolactin and steroids. Prolactin has an important role in the reproductive process, especially during lactation, controlling production and milk composition. This hormone responds to stressors stimulus, being dependent on the intensity of the response of blood concentrations of prolactin before stress. Stress is a physiological adaptive mechanism, however, when you lose control of it, there may be several harmful changes the individual's health. Relating these facts, the aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of stress on the secretion of prolactin in nulliparous and primiparous rats during estrus, continuing previous studies. 


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Como Citar

Carlos, C. Z., Souza, T. V., Berber, R. C. A., & Hucke, E. E. T. S. (2018). Effect of stress on the secretion of prolactin in nulliparous and primiparous rats in estrus. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(4), 64–68. https://doi.org/10.36560/1142018415



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