Micropropagation protocol success clearly depends on the establishment and initial development in vitro. Following steps can only be performed after obtaining of aseptic cultures endowed with good plant vigor. This study aimed to evaluate different culture medium and agar concentrations in the establishment and early development in vitro yellow ipe. For both experiments the source of explants were shoot apical segments, obtained in vitro seed germination. For the first experiment was used a ½ WPM (diluted to 50% normal salt concentration) and different concentrations of agarose (4, 6, 8 and 10 g L-1). For the experiment of culture nutrient medium treatments were: control (agar and water); MS medium; ½ and ¼ MS; WPM; ½ and ¼ WPM. After 30 days of culture were performed evaluations. For the agar concentration experiment evaluated the percentage of contamination, establishment, in vitro root formation and callus, number of roots and leaves. For the experiment of culture medium evaluated the percentage of establishment and in vitro formation of roots, number of roots and leaves. With increasing concentrations of agar added to the culture medium, it was found that there is a significant increase in the formation and in the number of roots per plant yellow ipe. The WPM and the diluted ½ and ¼ provided greater root formation and with better training, and more training leaves. We conclude that higher agar concentration, the lower the callus formation and the WPM and their dilutions are effective in establishing and initial in vitro development of yellow ipe.
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