Evaluation of lethal effects of phytosanitary products used in the organic agriculture on Eriopis connexa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae)


  • T. S. Souza
  • G. C. M. Berber
  • A. L. S. Resende
  • M. C. A. Fernandes
  • R. N. Pereira
  • E. L. A. Menezes




Aphidophagous ladybeetle, selectivity of alternative phytoprotectors


The present study aimed to evaluate in the laboratory the selectivity of the natural phytosanitary products commonly used in the organic agriculture to Eriopis connexa, predator insect of aphids. The treatments consisted on the spray of four products of botanical origin (extract of garlic, extract of lemongrass, extract of tobacco, and extract of pepper) lonely, and the mixture of these four extracts (“mixâ€), all diluted in distillated water at 8%, and the Bordeaux mixture diluted in distillated water at 1%. All these products were manufactured by CEPAO/Pesagro-Rio (Seropédica, RJ, Brazil). In the control, there was only sprayed of distillated water. The sprays of these products were performed on each development stage of this predator, with five replications (10 individuals per replication in each development stage). After the sprays, the insects in immature stage were kept in acclimatized room, and after 24 hours the lethal effect of the products was evaluated. The treated adults were evaluated 24 and 48 hour after the spraying to determine the lethal effect. The results showed that the Bordeaux mixture and the mix (“garrafadaâ€) did not present significant toxicity to E. connexa. There is no lethal effect by topic application of the all tested products, in the pupa stage and in the adults of this species.


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Como Citar

Souza, T. S., Berber, G. C. M., Resende, A. L. S., Fernandes, M. C. A., Pereira, R. N., & Menezes, E. L. A. (2018). Evaluation of lethal effects of phytosanitary products used in the organic agriculture on Eriopis connexa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae). Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(4), 14–23. https://doi.org/10.36560/1142018706



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