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Ciências da Saúde
Publicado: 2020-07-31

Hand hygienization: a playing activity in care patient safety

Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, campus Chapecó

M. C. Hanauer

Mestranda em enfermagem pela UFSC. Enfermeira especialização em oncologia. Docente substituta na universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Pronto Atendimento Herval grande RS

M. Poletto

Hospital Regional do Oeste Chapecó SC

P. C. Silva

Enfermeiro, especialista em controle de infecção hospitalar, gestão hospitalar e traimato-ortopedia.
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul Campus Chapecó SC

T. G. Silva

Mestre em enfermagem. doutoranda em Enfermagem na UFSC. Docente da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul Campus Chapecó

K. L. S. Celich

Doutora em Enfermagem. Docente na Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul -UFFS
Hand Disinfection Patient Safety Cross Infection


To describe a ludic health education strategy on hand hygiene and its interface in patient safety in the hospital environment. Report of play activity with a view to health education held from March to June 2018. Participated 485 professionals from 18 units of a hospital in the west of Santa Catarina. It was developed focusing on the five moments proposed by the World Health Organization: before touching the patient, before the aseptic procedure, after risk of exposure to body fluids, after contact with the patient, after contact with the areas close to the patient. The professionals participated in the proposal experiencing moments of relaxation, learning, reciprocity and creativity. This potentiated the change in hand hygiene technique. The use of ludic provided reinforcement and apprehension of the contents worked, arousing feelings of co-responsibility.


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Como Citar

Hanauer, M. C., Poletto, M., Silva, P. C., Silva, T. G., Celich, K. L. S., & Conceição, V. M. (2020). Hand hygienization: a playing activity in care patient safety. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(8), 101–103.